Blog Archives - Is UX-not-UI UX/UI design courses Mon, 20 Nov 2023 14:29:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Blog Archives - Is UX-not-UI 32 32 8 Critical UX Design Errors That Could Lead to Business Failure Fri, 17 Nov 2023 11:31:55 +0000 What are the key elements that contribute to the success of an e-commerce business? A broad and varied product range, multiple payment options, responsive and efficient customer service through various…Continue reading8 Critical UX Design Errors That Could Lead to Business Failure

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What are the key elements that contribute to the success of an e-commerce business? A broad and varied product range, multiple payment options, responsive and efficient customer service through various platforms, and punctual delivery?

Yes, all these factors are crucial. However, a user-friendly and visually appealing website also plays a significant role, as it can greatly enhance the user interaction experience.

In this article, we will delve into the concept of user experience (UX) design, highlight 8 UX design blunders that can spell disaster for an e-commerce venture, and propose measures to sidestep these pitfalls. 

First, let’s clarify what UX design is and enumerate the primary advantages it offers to an online business.

Defining UX Design and Its Core Principles 

Several definitions of UX design exist, but essentially, it encompasses all aspects of interaction with software, whether a website or a desktop/mobile application. This includes everything from the number of clicks required to reach a specific page to the placement and size of a button within the browser window, all of which constitute elements of user experience design.

Typically, users tend to rate a software product more favorably if it is…

…easy to navigate

…visually engaging

…useful to them

The objective of a UX professional should be to design an app or website that fulfills these fundamental criteria. In essence, the ultimate aim of a UX designer is to boost user satisfaction by making the software product more functional, accessible, and appealing.

To accomplish this objective, UX designers should adhere to the following fundamental principles:

  • Be human-centric. Software should be designed keeping humans in mind, not machines. All interactions with an app or website should be meaningful to humans. Reserve computer language for computers.
  • Be straightforward. This entails maintaining consistency in the design of website components and establishing a visual hierarchy to distinguish between more critical and less critical elements.
  • Be contextual. Users should always be aware of their location on a page or the overall site. Breadcrumb navigation is one way to provide this context.
  • Be discoverable. If a website’s content is not logically organized into categories, sections, or other units, users will struggle to find the information they need. This can discourage users from searching for anything on the site. It’s akin to a library where books are not arranged alphabetically. 
  • Be uncluttered. The design should avoid any distractions that divert a user’s attention from your primary action. This includes distracting fonts and colors, moving images, additional CTAs with high contrast colors, and other elements. You should also use simple vocabulary and avoid technical jargon.

Violate any of these rules, and you’re courting danger. Adhere to them, and you boost your chances of success. Here’s why.

How Does a Strong UX Design Benefit an Online Enterprise? 

It Boosts the Conversion Rate 

The online retail sector is exceedingly competitive. Imagine you’re hunting for a specific pair of shoes online, and you stumble upon two local websites that sell footwear. On the first site, you search for your desired model but end up feeling frustrated due to its disorganized layout and irrelevant search results. However, the second website delivers the exact match instantly.

Which of these platforms would you prefer to make a purchase from? The answer is clear, and it’s likely that other visitors would make the same decision.

It Leads to Better SEO Rankings 

Google frequently updates its search algorithm. However, one consistent factor it values is the user experience. Google prioritizes its reputation, so it rewards websites with superior UX design by placing them higher on the search result pages.

It Draws in More Leads and Retains Current Customers 

A user-friendly website doesn’t only attract new users. Seamless interaction also plays a key role in maintaining an existing customer base. A robust UX design fosters trust in a brand, product, or service. It’s an extremely efficient method for building long-term customer relationships. A loyal customer is a steady revenue stream.

Thus, if you want these benefits for your online business, you need to focus on your store’s UX design. Start by avoiding these common errors that contradict the principles discussed above.

Potential UX Design Errors That Can Harm Your Business

  1. Overly Lengthy Forms

A form can be an effective tool for gathering crucial customer information. However, not all forms are equally beneficial. The type of information you need from a customer depends on why they need to complete a form. If you’re shipping a product to a customer’s address, you’ll need detailed data to avoid delivery mistakes.

Conversely, if you’re offering an e-book download, why include a field for a physical address? Keep in mind: the more fields a user needs to complete, the more likely they are to abandon your website.

What you can do

  • Think about different scenarios where you’d want visitors to fill out forms. Evaluate each form and retain only the most pertinent fields for each situation. 
  • Ensure your form fields are orderly and systematic. This can be accomplished by categorizing them or arranging them in a sequential list.
  • Simplify the process of filling out some fields by implementing the autocomplete feature. This feature presents a list of options beneath an input field (like the Google search field), enabling users to select an option instead of typing the full word or phrase. Incorporating a date picker and dropdown menus can also be beneficial.

In conclusion, use any strategy that minimizes the time users spend completing a form.

  1. Excessive Textual Content 

An online store’s primary function isn’t reading, correct? It’s designed to sell products or services. Overloading your site with textual content may deter visitors, who typically aren’t keen on reading lengthy paragraphs.

What you can do 

  • Reduce the volume of text on your website. Evaluate all your content and retain only what is absolutely essential. 
  • Opt for bullet points or numbered lists instead of long passages. 
  • Refrain from extending your text across the entire content area of the page. Ideally, a line of text should contain no more than 60 characters
  • Divide your text into shorter paragraphs. Research indicates that people can remember between 5 and 9 items in their short-term memory. Any more, and they become easily distracted and lose concentration on what they’re reading. Thus, limit your paragraphs to a maximum of 9 lines. 
  • Substitute text with visuals where possible. Visuals can be more compelling than textual descriptions, prompting customers to make purchases. Most individuals are visually oriented.
  • In addition to photos, consider using infographics, videos, cartoons, and other visual elements. However, be sure to optimize these visuals for web use, as high-resolution graphics can significantly slow down page load speeds.
  1. The Overwhelming Deluge of Popups 

Invitations to join, discounts, subscription requests – these pop ups can be irritating when they obstruct the content you’re trying to access. They are a major contributor to high bounce rates.

What you can do

  • Steer clear of bombarding your audience with excessive popups. Instead, designate a spot on the page where they can appear without disrupting your visitors’ browsing. 
  • Give your viewers some time to engage with the content before presenting them with a popup.
  1. Overcrowded Content with Insufficient Whitespace 

Packing too much content into a single page without adequate whitespace around elements is not advisable. It makes it difficult for visitors to discern which elements deserve their attention first, potentially causing them to overlook key business components like call-to-action buttons.

What you can do

Ensure there’s ample whitespace around elements to allow your audience to focus on the most crucial aspects and prevent your pages from appearing cluttered.

  1. Inadequate Contrast 

Low contrast between text and background is a UX faux pas. While it may work artistically in certain contexts, clear contrast is essential for product pages. This is especially true for online stores targeting seniors who may have vision issues.

What you can do

Play around with various contrast settings to find the most suitable one. Share your pages with friends and colleagues and ask for their comfort level while reading the content. Numerous online tools can assist you in determining the ideal contrast.

  1. Overwhelming Navigation Layers 

Providing your potential or existing customers with abundant choices is a good business strategy, but it can negatively impact the user experience. An overload of menus and submenus can deter even the most patient visitors.

What you can do

Ensure that your target audience can access your most valuable offers with just a few clicks. Everything that’s not primary or necessary should be located in its own distinct area on your website. Allow your visitors to easily access the things they would benefit from the most.

  1. Overuse of Fonts and Colors 

One of the key principles of UX design is simplicity. A surplus of colors and fonts can make a website confusing and divert the audience from the crucial actions you want them to perform.

What you can do 

  • Restrict your color palette to two or three harmonious colors. You can use this tool to help find the best color combinations. 
  • Also, stick to a maximum of two fonts consistently across your site.
  1. An Unnoticeable CTA Button

Arguably, the most vital element for an e-commerce website is the call-to-action button. It’s the gateway to your company’s revenue once your customers click it. However, some websites have a CTA button that’s barely visible, overshadowed by the surrounding elements.

What you can do  

  • Ensure your CTA button stands out by selecting a unique color, style, and text that sets it apart from other elements on the page. Check out the screenshot above for an example of applying the contrast for a CTA button the right way. 
  • The location of this button is also crucial. Check out this post for some valuable insights regarding the placement of a CTA button:


For any digital enterprise aiming for victory, prioritizing excellent UX design is crucial. This could enhance conversion rates, boost SEO rankings, and build enduring bonds with current customers. 

As you create your website, strive to dodge the traps we’ve highlighted in this article. Though they only scratch the surface, by sidestepping them, you can make your website more user-friendly and attract new clientele.

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Exploring the Synergy: IT Developments and Their Cosmic Impact on SpaceMan Jogo Thu, 28 Sep 2023 10:15:36 +0000 In the vast cosmos that stretches beyond our terrestrial realm, the synergy between Information Technology (IT) and space exploration has reached unprecedented heights. SpaceMan Jogo, a pioneering venture, has exemplified…Continue readingExploring the Synergy: IT Developments and Their Cosmic Impact on SpaceMan Jogo

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In the vast cosmos that stretches beyond our terrestrial realm, the synergy between Information Technology (IT) and space exploration has reached unprecedented heights. SpaceMan Jogo, a pioneering venture, has exemplified this fusion, propelling us into a new era of cosmic discovery. This article delves into the multifaceted relationship between IT developments and SpaceMan Jogo, unveiling the extraordinary possibilities and cosmic impact that lie ahead.

The Role of IT in Modern Space Exploration

The role of IT in modern space exploration cannot be overstated. It serves as the backbone for mission control, data collection, and scientific analysis. IT systems enable real-time monitoring of spacecraft, navigation, and communication with astronauts, making each mission safer and more efficient.

SpaceMan Jogo: Pioneering the Fusion of IT and Space Exploration

SpaceMan Jogo is at the forefront of combining IT innovations include ChatGPT Development with space exploration. Their groundbreaking approach integrates cutting-edge technologies to address the challenges of cosmic exploration comprehensively.

Enhancing Communication: Satellite Constellations

SpaceMan Jogo has harnessed IT to create a network of advanced communication satellites that provide uninterrupted connectivity between Earth and space missions. These constellations enable high-speed data transmission, supporting seamless communication for astronauts and researchers alike.

Big Data among the Stars: IT and Astrophysics

In partnership with astrophysicists, SpaceMan Jogo utilizes IT to process immense volumes of data collected from deep space. Advanced algorithms and machine learning are employed to analyze celestial phenomena, unlocking the secrets of the universe.

Cybersecurity Beyond Earth’s Boundaries

As space missions become more reliant on IT systems, cybersecurity becomes paramount. SpaceMan Jogo employs cutting-edge encryption techniques to safeguard sensitive information from potential threats lurking beyond Earth’s boundaries.

AI and Automation: The Brainpower Behind SpaceMan Jogo

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation play pivotal roles in SpaceMan Jogo’s operations. AI-driven robots are used for tasks such as maintenance and repair on space stations, reducing the risk to human astronauts.

Virtual Reality: Aiding Astronaut Training

IT-driven virtual reality simulations offer astronaut candidates a realistic training experience. They can practice complex procedures and scenarios, ensuring they are fully prepared for the challenges of space.

Blockchain in Space: Securing Transactions

Intricate financial transactions in space, from resource trading to property rights, are securely managed through blockchain technology. This innovation ensures transparency and trust among space-faring entities.

Navigating the Unknown: IT and Space Navigation

Precise navigation in space is reliant on advanced IT systems. SpaceMan Jogo’s cutting-edge navigation tools, guided by IT, help spacecraft navigate through the cosmic unknown with pinpoint accuracy.

3D Printing: Manufacturing Possibilities in Space

3D printing, enabled by IT, allows SpaceMan Jogo to manufacture critical components and tools in space, reducing reliance on Earth-based supply chains and enabling self-sufficiency in cosmic missions.

Biotechnology and IT: Adapting to Celestial Environments

Biotechnology innovations integrated with IT assist in adapting life forms to celestial environments. This synergy is essential for the long-term colonization of other celestial bodies.

Sustainability and Efficiency: IT’s Earthly Impact

IT developments for space exploration have led to advances in sustainability and efficiency on Earth. Solar power generation, waste recycling, and resource management technologies pioneered in space benefit our planet.

The Ethical Frontier: AI and Extraterrestrial Life

The discovery of extraterrestrial life is a profound possibility. SpaceMan Jogo adheres to ethical AI principles in its pursuit, ensuring that any contact or interaction respects the autonomy and rights of alien life forms.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does IT improve communication in space missions?

IT enhances communication by enabling high-speed data transmission through satellite constellations, ensuring real-time connectivity between Earth and space missions.

How is cybersecurity managed in space exploration?

SpaceMan Jogo employs advanced encryption techniques to secure IT systems and protect sensitive information from potential threats in the cosmos.

What is the role of blockchain in space exploration?

Blockchain technology is used to securely manage financial transactions and contracts in space, ensuring transparency and trust among space-faring entities.

In conclusion, SpaceMan Jogo’s groundbreaking fusion of IT and space exploration has opened up a universe of possibilities. The synergy between IT developments and cosmic exploration not only advances our understanding of the cosmos but also has far-reaching implications for life on Earth. As we venture further into the cosmos, the impact of IT on space exploration will continue to shape the future of humanity’s cosmic journey.

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Design in Crypto: Merging Creativity and Technology Thu, 03 Aug 2023 06:44:59 +0000 Cryptocurrency, a digital revolution in the financial world, has disrupted traditional banking systems and ushered in a new era of decentralized finance. As the popularity of cryptocurrencies grows, the significance…Continue readingDesign in Crypto: Merging Creativity and Technology

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Cryptocurrency, a digital revolution in the financial world, has disrupted traditional banking systems and ushered in a new era of decentralized finance. As the popularity of cryptocurrencies grows, the significance of design in the crypto industry becomes increasingly evident. Design plays a crucial role in shaping user experiences, creating brand identities, and establishing trust in this rapidly evolving space.

Understanding Cryptocurrency and Its Rise

Before delving into the design aspect, it’s essential to understand the fundamental concept of cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual currencies that use cryptography for security, enabling secure financial transactions and controlling the creation of new units. Bitcoin, the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, laid the foundation for the rise of numerous altcoins and blockchain projects.

The popularity of cryptocurrencies is not limited to tech-savvy individuals anymore. Mainstream adoption and institutional interest have boosted the market capitalization of cryptocurrencies, making them a prominent asset class. With this growing prominence comes the need for intuitive and engaging designs to facilitate user interaction.

The Role of Design in the Crypto Industry

User Interface (UI) Design for Crypto Platforms

In the crypto industry, user interface design plays a pivotal role in ensuring smooth and seamless interactions on trading platforms and crypto exchanges. A well-designed UI simplifies complex financial transactions, making them accessible to both beginners and experienced traders. By incorporating user feedback and iterative design processes, platforms can refine their UI to cater to their target audience better.

Logo and Branding for Cryptocurrencies

Effective branding is vital for any cryptocurrency project aiming for recognition and trust among users and investors. A memorable logo and cohesive branding strategy can differentiate one cryptocurrency from another in a crowded market. Careful consideration of color psychology, symbolism, and cultural context is essential in designing logos and branding elements that resonate with the intended audience.

Website Design for ICOs and Exchanges

Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and crypto exchanges need compelling website designs to convey their value propositions and inspire confidence in potential investors. Clear communication, intuitive navigation, and emphasis on security features can significantly impact user trust and participation in these fundraising events and trading platforms.

Designing Crypto Wallets for Enhanced Security

Crypto wallets are essential tools for storing and managing cryptocurrencies securely. Designing user-friendly and secure wallets is crucial to prevent human errors and cyberattacks. A blend of simplicity and robust security features is vital in crypto wallet design to cater to a broad user base, including those with limited technical knowledge.

NFT Art and Visual Creativity in Crypto

The advent of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) has unleashed a new wave of creativity, where digital artists and creators can tokenize their work and sell it as unique digital assets. NFT art showcases the intersection of technology and creativity, opening up novel opportunities for designers and artists to explore blockchain-backed ownership and monetization.

The Impact of Design on User Experience

Aesthetically pleasing and intuitive designs significantly impact the user experience in the crypto space. Let’s explore how design enhances user experiences.

Simplicity and User-Friendly Interfaces

Crypto designs that embrace simplicity help users navigate the complexities of the blockchain world with ease. A clutter-free interface allows users to focus on essential tasks, reducing the risk of errors and confusion.

Visual Storytelling and Trust-Building

Design can be a powerful medium for storytelling, and crypto projects can use this to build trust and credibility. Transparently communicating a project’s mission and vision through design elements fosters a sense of community and loyalty among users.

Creating an Emotional Connection with Users

Designers can leverage emotional triggers through visuals and interactive elements to forge stronger connections with users. Building an emotional bond encourages user loyalty and engagement with crypto platforms and services.

Design for Accessibility and Inclusivity

A truly inclusive crypto design considers the needs of diverse user groups, including individuals with disabilities. By prioritizing accessibility features, designers can ensure equal access to financial opportunities for everyone.

Challenges in Crypto Design

As the crypto industry matures, designers face various challenges unique to this domain.

Balancing Aesthetics and Security

While visually appealing designs are crucial, designers must strike a balance with security. Ensuring robust security measures without compromising aesthetics is a constant challenge.

Addressing Cultural and Global Diversity

The global nature of the crypto industry demands designs that resonate with diverse cultural backgrounds and language preferences. Sensitivity to cultural nuances is vital to avoid misinterpretation and exclusion.

Navigating Regulatory and Compliance Issues

Designers need to be aware of the ever-evolving regulatory landscape surrounding cryptocurrencies. Compliance with regional laws and regulations may impact design decisions.

Overcoming Technological Limitations

Designers often encounter technological limitations in the blockchain space. Innovations in design should consider the constraints of the underlying technology.

Innovations in Crypto Design

As the crypto industry continues to evolve, so do its design trends and innovations.

AI-Driven Design in Crypto

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing design by automating repetitive tasks, improving personalization, and optimizing user experiences. AI-driven design tools are becoming increasingly popular in the crypto world to streamline design processes.

Augmented Reality (AR) for Crypto Interaction

AR technology can create immersive and interactive experiences for crypto users. From AR-powered wallets to virtual crypto art galleries, AR opens up exciting possibilities for enhancing the crypto experience.

Gamification and Rewards in Crypto Design

Designers are incorporating gamification elements and reward mechanisms into crypto platforms to encourage user engagement. These elements enhance the overall user experience and retention.

Futuristic Concepts for Crypto Design

The crypto industry encourages unconventional and futuristic design concepts that challenge traditional norms. These experimental ideas pave the way for new possibilities and redefine user interactions.

The Future of Design in Crypto

The future of design in the crypto industry promises continuous innovation and creativity. As cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology gain further acceptance, designs will adapt to cater to an increasingly diverse and mainstream user base.

Designers will be at the forefront of shaping the crypto landscape, making financial technologies more accessible, secure, and enjoyable for users worldwide.

Design in the world of cryptocurrencies is not just about aesthetics; it is the bridge between technology and users. Effective design has the power to simplify complex processes, evoke emotions, build trust, and create memorable experiences. As the crypto industry matures, innovative and user-centric designs will play a pivotal role in driving adoption and revolutionizing the future of finance.

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Knowledge and skills of UX/UI designer Sun, 08 Jan 2023 09:19:00 +0000 Who is a UX/UI designer, what they do, and why their work is so important Know the basics of developing interfaces for web services and mobile applications - this is the base on which the rest of the knowledge and competencies need to be strung.…Continue readingKnowledge and skills of UX/UI designer

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To do his job well, a UX/UI designer needs a whole set of skills. In terms of hard skills, he must:

Who is a UX/UI designer, what they do, and why their work is so important Know the basics of developing interfaces for web services and mobile applications – this is the base on which the rest of the knowledge and competencies need to be strung.

Who is a UX/UI designer, what he does and why his work is so important Know how to work with basic web programs and tools:

Figma – a service for prototyping and testing.
Sketch – a vector graphics and prototyping tool for Mac users.
Adobe XD – interface design software.
Tilda, Readymag and Webflow – tools for rapid website creation.
Adobe After Effects – an editor for rendering website animations.

Know the basics of digital marketing. Without researching your target audience, you can’t create an effective and competitive website or app. Therefore, a UX/UI designer should understand how to create a user profile and how to research competitors’ products.

Have analytical skills. It is not enough to study the target audience and the competitors, it is also important to process and analyze this information correctly. In addition, it is necessary to know the methods of analysis of business tasks: JTBD (Jobs to be done), the persona method and listening to competitive products.

Know the visual design language. The work of a UX/UI designer is not only about the functionality and usability of a product, but also about its aesthetics. The ergonomic design, the color of the site, its beauty – all this creates a mood and influences the client’s decision to buy. This is why it is important for specialists in this sphere to develop their observation and taste as well as expand their knowledge of artistic techniques. Courses in UX/UI design, specialized education and constant practice will help.

Prototyping, CA analysis and other technical skills are really important, but it’s equally important to back them up with developed soft skills. A UX/UI designer needs:

Be empathic. To solve a user’s problem, you need to understand how they feel.

Strive for development and self-improvement. The web design field does not stand still, so it is important for a professional to follow trends and constantly expand their knowledge and skills.

Be diligent and persistent. Designing a website or app is a long job that requires a lot of effort. Therefore, the ability to work long on a task will definitely come in handy for someone who decides to tie their career to UX/UI.

Know how to communicate. Even if the UX and UI are done by the same person, his work is connected with other people in the team: developers, copywriters, project managers. It is important for the designer to learn how to set tasks correctly, discuss changes and suggestions, as well as listen to his colleagues.

Be creative. UX/UI designer is a representative of the creative part of IT. Ability to visualize client’s desires, ability to look for new ways to solve problems and creative approach will help to achieve success in the chosen field and make a career in product design.

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Stages of UX/UI designer’s work Fri, 18 Mar 2022 09:15:00 +0000 Applications and websites solve different user tasks, so the process of creating the interface cannot be strictly regulated. However, the work of the UX/UI specialist can be divided into several stages.…Continue readingStages of UX/UI designer’s work

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Applications and websites solve different user tasks, so the process of creating the interface cannot be strictly regulated. However, the work of the UX/UI specialist can be divided into several stages.

Stage 1. CA analysis.
The average age and gender of users, their interests and goals in visiting the website or the application, as well as their geography – all this information helps create a portrait of the target audience. It makes it easier for the designer to predict people’s behavior and create the most convenient product for them.

Stage 2. Competitor analysis
The study of the strengths and weaknesses of competitors helps the UX designer to improve the product without repeating the mistakes of his colleagues. At this stage, it is possible to analyze the websites and applications of not only competing companies, but also those who are involved in a related business. For example, if you are working with a chain of fitness centers, it is worth paying attention to the interfaces of sports nutrition or clothing stores.

Stage 3. Defining the structure
At this stage, the main sections of the product are created, their interaction and location are determined. The information architecture helps to correctly design the structure of the site or application. It determines what data should be placed on each page and how to link them to each other so that the product content is convenient and logically connected for users.

Step 4. Prototyping
Prototyping is a very important stage of product development. This is where the work on the UI design begins. The prototype is tested by the project’s target audience, it is shown to the client or shareholders and helps attract investors.

To begin, the designer creates a wireframe, a map showing the overall concept of the product and its main sections. The wireframe is monochrome and has a low level of visualization. You can say that it’s a simplified sketch of the site or application that contains all the elements of the product. The Wireframe shows how the interface works and how the user interacts with it.

Step 5. Testing
The prototype contains all the visual and functional elements of the website or application, so before releasing it, it is tested to detect errors and improve the final result.

There are two types of testing: quantitative and qualitative. In the first case, the research is conducted on a large sample of users, while in the second, a focus group of the CA is involved.

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Dark UX patterns: to use or not? Thu, 21 Oct 2021 09:06:00 +0000 Dark patterns still raise a lot of questions and discussions. Some believe that they should not be used, because it is almost manipulation of the user, while others, on the contrary, are of the opinion that all means are good in battle.…Continue readingDark UX patterns: to use or not?

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Dark patterns still raise a lot of questions and discussions. Some believe that they should not be used, because it is almost manipulation of the user, while others, on the contrary, are of the opinion that all means are good in battle.

This term was first introduced in 2010 thanks to a UX designer from London named Harry Brinnull. He described “dark patterns” as a carefully crafted user interface that encourages the user to move in a way that benefits the company.

The creation of this technique relies on a detailed knowledge of how human psychology works, and this is what the entire dark pattern scheme is built on. In this case, the interests of the user go into the background. As a result, the user, without realizing it, begins to acquire things that he does not need at all.

How dark patterns work
Most likely you have encountered situations where you are asked to agree to certain terms which you do not like, but at the same time there are no better options. This is exactly how dark patterns work.

Roughly speaking, these are interface interaction scenarios in which the user is forced to act in a way that is beneficial to the company. But only along the way are basic tricks built on human inattention and psychology.

Most often at the behest of dark patterns are people who are trying to find as quickly as possible a solution to the problem before them. They don’t actually read the text and the terms on the page, but glimpse at the text, clinging to a carefully chosen word. As a result, the trap of dark patterns slams shut, and in the pursuit of speed, these users don’t even notice that they begin to take advantage of it.

The funny thing is that even this scheme is built on the same rules that were created to improve the usability of interfaces. You could say that dark patterns are a twisted version of Nielsen’s 10 heuristics, which are a guide to creating perfect UX interfaces.

When it comes to types of dark patterns, there are quite a few. The most common variant remains the imposition of subscriptions in an almost forced way. And this is what most modern services use.

When installing an application or registering on the site, the user is offered a free trial subscription. In this case, you need to enter your credit card data when activating, and if the user forgets to cancel the subscription, then when the trial period ends, the money for the subscription is automatically deducted from his account.

But that’s not all. Quite a few companies do not add a notification on the subscription activation window about future debits, and in some cases it will be necessary to call the office or make a request via e-mail to cancel the subscription.

Another type of dark patterns is when a user can quickly and easily create an account, but then deleting it is an ordeal that is unlikely to be resolved without support.

On top of that, there is the “bait and switch” approach, where the user seems to be offered two options to solve the situation, but both options lead in the same direction. Recall the famous “upgrade” and “upgrade tonight” from Windows. Because of this wording, many users installed updates they didn’t need.

And these are by no means all possible tricks. Collecting personal data, tracking items viewed, asking for answers to questions, misleading, spam, hidden advertising and spending are all elements of dark patterns that work against the user.

And to summarize all of the above, we can responsibly say that dark patterns are deceptions that are better not to be used. Building relationships with your users using such methods will only lead to a loss of trust and loyalty to the company, and therefore a loss of revenue in the long term.

Of course, it can be said that within reasonable limits the use of such patterns will not hurt. But whether the short-term benefits are worth such reputational sacrifices is another matter.

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